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China imported 2750 tons of refined tin and 15335 tons of tin ore in July

作者:綠志島 2020-08-27 0

According to the latest data from the General Administration of customs, China's imports of tin ore in July 2020 were 15335 tons, a month on month decrease of 6.7% and a year-on-year increase of 9.7%, of which Myanmar's imports were 14023 tons, accounting for 91.4%.

Table 1 Import Statistics of China's tin concentrate and refined tin in July


Source: General Administration of Customs

The import volume of refined tin in July was 2750 tons, up 65% month on month, including 2126 tons from Indonesia, 300 tons from Bolivia, 200 tons from Peru and 45 tons from Malaysia. In July, China exported 353 tons of refined tin and net imported 2398 tons.

Figure 1 Import Statistics of tin concentrate in China


Source: General Administration of Customs

Figure 2 import and export statistics of refined tin in China


Source: General Administration of Customs

Import of tin ore: Myanmar government's ban on prevention and control was extended to August 31 for the eighth time, combined with the impact of the recent rainy season in Wa area, which makes it difficult to mine and transport tin ore, and the import volume of tin ore is expected to decline from August to October; Refined tin import: as the ratio of Shanghai to London continues to narrow, the import window is basically closed, and it is expected that the import of tin will decrease in the future.

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