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Enterprise News

Lvzhidao back to work, epidemic prevention battle, we are in action!

作者:綠志島 2020-03-03 0

In 2020, the year of the year was not so great. We did not have a meal, no travel, no rich and colorful celebrations, and the whole nation was united. It started a New Coronavirus epidemic prevention war.

So far, the Spring Festival has passed, and during the period of Wanye's return to work, every enterprise is also facing the challenge of epidemic prevention in all aspects. It is also the primary responsibility of enterprises to do a good job in epidemic prevention. In response to the requirements of the government, we are also prepared for epidemic prevention, so that everyone on duty can work at ease.

75% disinfectant alcohol and other protective sheath

Sufficient protective materials

Propaganda slogans of new coronavirus for epidemic prevention

Propaganda slogans of new coronavirus for epidemic prevention

The security personnel will register and measure the temperature of the personnel entering the factory

Disinfect the car just entering the factory

Every morning, manager Lu takes the temperature of every person on duty

Every morning, manager Lu takes the temperature of every person on duty

Every morning, manager Lu takes the temperature of every person on duty

On Monday morning, manager Lu publicized the knowledge of epidemic prevention to the staff

On Monday morning, manager Lu publicized the knowledge of epidemic prevention to the staff

▲Line up for dinner after work

General manager Lai disinfected every corner of the workshop with 84 disinfectant

In the case of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and in order to ensure the delivery time of customers' orders, we will transfer all the staff when a small number of staff return to work, and go wherever we need them.

▲Second floor workshop production line planning order

General manager Lai in the production line

Other leaders are also helping with packing and packing on the production line

Mr. Liang of chemical industry department helps on the drawing machine

To ensure the delivery time of customer's order

We are also fully prepared for solder paste!

Sufficient stock of solder paste raw materials

Solder paste workshop

Homogenizing emulsifier

Staff of solder paste Department

At the same time, we salute the heroes who are not afraid of the epidemic situation!

Green Island back to work, epidemic prevention battle, we are in action!

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