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Focus on electronic welding for 20 yearsDONGGUAN LEGRET METAL.,LTD
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Service hotline: 0769-38893080
Email: lzd@dglzd.com
Address: Dongguan lvzhidao Metal Co., Ltd
Contact person: Manager Zeng
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Talent recruitment

Talent view

Have the courage to take responsibility, be willing to serve and cooperate,

Good at self-examination, diligent in performance innovation.

Personnel management policy: create growth space for every employee with virtue, ability and ideal, continuously improve employee satisfaction and loyalty, and continuously support the development of the group.

We believe that every employee is a capable person;

With fair and fair employment mechanism, scientific and systematic training to help employees improve their professional ability, with a variety of promotion channels to create a broad career platform for employees, with fair and transparent incentives to provide healthy and positive organizational atmosphere for employees;

Create a professional atmosphere of continuous improvement, constantly improve the thinking of human resource management, strive to achieve employees, let employees have a sense of pride in decent employment, and constantly improve employee satisfaction.

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